Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Think Again

Next time you decide you'd like to piss all over me I'd like you to consider just who it is who has been picking up after your shit all these years.

Who is here taking care of your grand kids 24 hours a day?

Who comforts them when their dad comes home late, or not at all?

Who sacrificed her career and good income to take care of them only to be left with nothing and to have to beg your son for money every day?

Who has been left with the aftermath of your own adultery with all the women your son has fucked while I was here doing everything else.

Who is called a cunt and a bitch?

Who carried your grandchildren in her womb for 9 months and has protected them from all of this, every scratch, even you all these years?

You were too busy to raise your son or set things right. And now I am here, picking up all the pieces that you could not be bothered with. And trying to make sure your grand kids don’t end up the same way.


  1. Well said, Sula, well said.

  2. Ya' know some times you just have to tell people to fuck off.. So much easier. He doesn't care what he's done, how can he possibly care what you've been doing? He's an idiot. Why isn't he coughing up some cash for his grandchildren?????
