Saturday, May 23, 2009

Going to the Pool

It's Memorial Day Weekend. The day started early with my daughter and dog ready to wake way before I was.

My daughter hit her head on the stairs pretty hard, and while I was dealing with that and calling the doctor (I'm paranoid) my son threw up all over upstairs. LOL while I was trying to clean up, they started coloring on a height chart on my daughter's wall...which is now ruined.

My husband stopped by in the morning to pick up his sunglasses. He is going out of town to play golf. Last night I guess he finally noticed that I had de-friended him on Facebook last Saturday - and I woke up to 5 text messages about it, mostly accusing me of trying to date now.

LOL, as if I even had time for that.

Anyway, he apologized and left on a good note. I accepted his friend request but sent him a message saying that I confirmed you as a friend but I don't have any other friends who would skip out on their daughters birthday party or not come home to their families all night long or do any of the things you have done to me and your kids over the years.

I finished re-reading Sula this morning and started Song of Solomon. I have a trilogy of Morrison's books that includes these two and Tar Baby, also a favorite. I don't think I have read Song of Solomon since high school, so I am enjoying the read with new eyes.

The kids are taking it easy and enjoying some time on the back deck in the sun with me.

Everyone seems to be better now and the kids are begging me to go to the pool. It seems to be more of a fluke, one-time throw-up so I am going to take them.

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