Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I think I forgave him

Something interesting has happened. Not sure if it was the poem or the photo albums or listening to You Can Heal your Life for the millionth time but I just realized that I don't really feel any sort of anger towards my father-in-law.

I put on the CD again the other day because I was feeling very stuck and didn't have time to sit down and read the book again. At least one thing I can say is between all the audio books in my car - A New Earth and all others Tolle CDs there are, Jerry and Ester Hicks, Louise Hay, Tony Robbins....the kids should be getting some of this stuff much earlier than I did. I think Tony Robbins says, "Repetition is the mother of character".

Haye says you don't have to know how to forgive. You just have to be willing to do it. I have been saying a lot of meditations around that and it never seemed to have work. But today I finally feel free.

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