Saturday, May 15, 2010


The kids and I spent some time helping out at the church this morning with the grounds upkeep. I spent most of my time weeding. I got to thinking that weeding is a lot like getting rid of things you don't want in your life. I started out in the most obvious place, a huge patch of weeds surrounding a tree. There were so many there that I didn't notice all the other weeds elsewhere. Once I finished pulling those, the other weeds were more apparent. There were a lot - everywhere! And, next week, there will be more again.

It's easy to get frustrated about this, but that's just life.

For a long time we had gardeners - most of our neighbors do as well. I was thinking today how peaceful I felt working in the dirt. It's a shame many of us have gotten away from doing that. I think it's a good way to reconnect with yourself - and the earth.

There were at least 30 other people there helping and I was also thinking how nice it was to have so many people pitching in. It reminded me that people will help you with areas of your life that you ask for help in - if you just ask.

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