Saturday, August 21, 2010


My other grandma is quickly deteriorating. She has had major shoulder pain for months and no one could figure out why. It seems the cancer has eaten through her shoulder bone and so it is essentially broken.

I haven't had the same time with her that I did with my other grandma and that is going to be hard for me. But she's a different person and she doesn't want everyone around fussing over her.

I am hoping to be able to spend Monday morning with her while my kids are at camp. Strangely, the questions I have are mostly about food. She is the one person I could always call when I was stuck on a meal and she always knew just what the answer was.

I went to call her the other day but stopped myself. I realized it was 7pm and she would be asleep already. It hit me that soon I won't be able to call her for anything.

Neither of us really like talking on the phone, but food was our one constant.

I really am wanting to learn how to prepare raw oysters. It seems like such a strange thing, but that's the last thing I want to ask her about.

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