Monday, November 8, 2010

Most People

Most people love you for what they want you to be.
But you always loved me for me.
I can tell you the worst things about me,
And know, there will never be any judgment.
If I ask for advice, you will give it.
But if I just need to talk – or vent – I can.
And you won’t interrupt or tell me your two cents.

Most people say, we are wrong.
They want us to live as they live:
In distant relationships that are long dead
Without honesty, respect or even love.

But I say, of all the people I have ever known- or loved-
You are the only people who I know -
Who I know-
Will always love me.
(And not because they have to.)

All my life I have avoided being myself.
I have been a vision of what my parents, my sisters, my grandparents, my friends, my church, or “society” has wanted me to be.
I did not even know who I was or who I am or what I “should” become.

I was afraid, always afraid.
Of gaining weight, of farting, or not being pretty enough…
But there is always something to be afraid of, and not enough people to hold you and tell you it will be alright.

The worst lie is the one you tell yourself.
Conforming to someone else’s vision of you.
Not trusting, even yourself.

We all need someone to believe in us.
We all need someone to ask if we are ok?
We all need someone to love us, as we are.

And most people, do not have that.

But I do, in you.

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