Sunday, September 8, 2013

Apparently baseball games are also unimportant....

My ex has missed my son's first two fall baseball games.  Not that this is unusual - it's just getting old.

If he doesn't plan to come, he should tell him upfront so he doesn't spend the entire two-hours looking around for his dad.

It's such a sad sight to see.

We don't have a car and have to bike more than 4 miles each way to get to a game, but we've never missed one.  Not to mention all the practices....

Yesterday, he said he couldn't come because he had a "meeting."  My friend rolled her eyes when I told her.

At 4pm on a Saturday?

Somehow, she managed to arrive an hour early for a child who isn't even hers and sit through the entire game - despite a demanding career.

I'm not sure what his excuse was today.  I'm sure he must have been at church from 3-5. (Ha!)

Since he hasn't made his child support payment for months, he can't use the "working" excuse again.  As in, his usual excuse is he has to "work" so hard to pay the minimal child support he cheats on - so he can not be expected to show up on time - or at all - for his parenting time.

It's more than ironic that the guy who won't take a drug or alcohol test to prove his "sobriety" or pick someone who could supervise his visits could blame me for keeping him away from his children.  Meanwhile, he has at least 3 opportunities a week via baseball that he doesn't show up for.

It is exceedingly clear to all of us why.

All I can say is thank goddess for men like my husband, who step up and raise other people's children when their father's are so blatantly inadequate. 

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